Do you feel:

Do you feel:


We understand.

We’re here to provide a path for individuals and churches to engage the great commission among the most unreached.

We’re here to see the great commission fulfilled… every tongue, every nation, and every people group introduced to the Gospel.

There are millions who have never heard the name of Jesus. Connecting you to these people groups is why Bush Mission International exists.

Watch the video to learn more about our heartbeat.

Less than 1%
of funding from U.S. mission organizations goes to Unreached & Unengaged People Groups who have never heard the name of Jesus.

What if we could nudge that number from 1% to 2%?
Figuring out that impact takes some holy imagination. That imagination is what we’re all about at Bush Mission International; imagining a world where every people group gets to hear the Gospel.

We believe the Great Commission is every Christian’s calling.

Moving to a rural mission field may not be in your realm of possibility, but that doesn’t mean you have to be left on the sidelines. We believe that taking the Good News to every person on earth doesn’t need to feel like an impossible challenge. Together, we know we can see the Great Commission fulfilled by Praying, Giving, and Going

Bush Mission International is already on the ground, creating projects and opportunities around the world to bring the Gospel to places it’s never been before. We’re a non-profit organization fueled by the work of volunteers, and empowered by the promises of the Gospel. And we are always looking for partners – individuals, small groups, and churches – who also feel passionate about reaching the unreached.

How does Bush Mission International fulfill the “go” of the Great Commission?

BMI is actively organizing projects and missions to unreached and unengaged people groups, empowering new local converts in further ministry, enabling long and short term missionaries in church planting, and meeting physical needs through construction, clean water projects, medical aid, education, and more.


Because BMI sometimes goes into areas that are hostile towards the Gospel, we can’t always share the location and details of our projects. However, we love to share about those we can.

Congo Well Water Project

In 2020, BMI completed a well water project in the jungles of the Congo. This region is so rural that the nearby villagers would have to walk for miles for the nearest clean water source. Our missionaries’ first priority was meeting a physical need and then a spiritual one; showing God’s compassion for the body and the soul. When the project was finished, we presented the Gospel there at the well and saw several people come to Christ. That very spot developed into a church plant that continues to engage and disciple believers in the area.


Akanasi School Project

The Akanasi primary school in Africa is a testament of God’s provision for the work of Bush Mission International. Serving 100 school students on a daily basis, the simple three room “bush” school structure was constructed by our team and is also used as a church and pastor training center for believers in the region. The children at the school are taught by local Christians who facilitate Bible lessons and share the Gospel frequently in their classes. The school is self-sufficient financially, and also serves as a hub for local commerce as it features a 15 acre agricultural program ran by its students. This work is investing in future generations that we believe will have a regional and even global impact for the Gospel.

We are focused on reaching unengaged and unreached people groups (UUPGs).

What makes a people group unengaged and unreached?
A people group is generally considered to be unreached when less than 2% of the population are professing Christians. Among unengaged and unreached people, there is no church planting underway and usually no translation of the Bible in the native tongue. 

  • The largest concentration of unreached people groups in the world is an area that missiologists call The 10/40 Window. It spans 68 countries from North Africa through the Middle East and into Asia. Nearly 70% of the population (3,009,000,000 people) in the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups are considered unreached.
    Read More About The 10/40 Window Here.

  • The Gospel Coalition states three primary reasons for the status of the unreached:

    1. Difficulty accessing their region of the world

    2. Their national government being hostile to the Gospel

    3. The challenge of learning their language to objective fluency.

    Because our experience on the mission field is extensive, we understand these challenges intimately, and are ready to face them head on. By supporting us through praying, giving, and going, you too are advancing the Gospel to the unreached as we partner together.

  • In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives final instructions to the apostles before his ascension into heaven. Known as the Great Commission, these words propel our work, provide us focus, and assure us of victory.

    “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

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